Sweep Pick Mechanics

Dan Mumm

Sweep Pick Mechanics

This course is a great way to get started with sweep picking or, for more advanced players, a way to vastly increase your arsenal and understanding of sweep technique.  Sweep Pick Mechanics allows you to find the right sweep pattern for every situation. This course also goes into non-arpeggio sweep patterns that can be used to build sequences that suit any guitar playing style.

This isn’t just for neoclassical shred masters. You’ll find that this wealth of arpeggio shapes is an invaluable tool. It will increase your understanding of the relationship of notes across the fretboard. Adding these patterns to your playing style will greatly increase your ability to write and improvise creative melodies and melodic solos.


It’s necessary to understand these sweep pick arpeggio shapes to reach that next skill level. This is true regardless of your preferred playing style.

Sweep Pick Mechanics covers:

  • Sweep picking technique
  • Picking exercises
  • Patterns ranging from beginner to advanced level
  • 3-string sweep patterns
  • 4-string sweep patterns
  • 5-string sweep patterns
  • 6-string sweep patterns
  • Major, minor, 7th, Maj7, Dim7, among others
  • Non-arpeggio sweep patterns
  • Modal sweep patterns
  • Sliding sweep patterns
  • Tapped sweep patterns
  • Hybrid patterns
  • Sweep progressions and “songs”
  • And more!

Sweep Pick Mechanics Includes Printable Tab and Guitar Pro Files

Sweep Pick Mechanics explains 3 string sweep pick patterns, 4 string sweep pick patterns, as well as 5 and 6 string sweep patterns. This includes hybrid patterns, non-arpeggio patterns, tapping patterns, and sweep “songs.” With over 60 exercises and patterns you will have material to study for years to come.  Sweep Pick Mechanics includes printable tab, diagrams, and other lesson materials. It also comes with optional Guitar Pro 6 tab. To play along with lesson exercises at any speed you must purchase the Guitar Pro 6 software separately.  Click Here for More Information about Guitar Pro

Sweep Pick Mechanics is the perfect companion for Dan’s other programs: Fret Touch Mechanics and A Glimpse Beyond Shred Guitar. Download Sweep Pick Mechanics now and get started today.