Your First Beginner Guitar Lesson

Free beginner rock guitar lessons

This is your first beginner guitar lesson

by Metal Method Instructor Doug Marks

This is not a sample. It’s the full beginner guitar lesson from Week 1 of our 48 Week rock guitar course and it’s absolutely free. Click on the “Download” button at the bottom of the page and sign up to receive guitar lesson tab, lesson materials, and next week’s free lesson.

This lesson starts right at the beginning and quickly teaches you everything needed to play songs, jam with friends, and even form a band. This program teaches how to tune your guitar, how to use a digital tuner, how to read guitar tablature, play basic chords, and scales. Before the lesson is completed you’ll be playing along with a backing track and actually sound like you know what you’re doing!  Even more important you will begin to understand the fundamentals of playing guitar.

This chapter list with links to each chapter can be found in the YouTube description of this video. For access to these links you must view the video on YouTube and open the description.

00:03 Introduction to course
01:50 The Journey Begins
01:54 Guitar tablature explained
03:23 Tab demonstrated with A minor
pentatonic scale.
03:50 Introduction to Guitar Pro
04:28 Guitar tuning
05:00 Exercise 1 – Tuning
06:49 Digital tuner
07:18 How to hold a pick
07:42 Power chords
08:24 Exercise 2 – Power Chords
08:27 Click on icon (top right) to download tab.
09:07 Jam with backing track
10:11 Power chords continued – string muting
11:29 Practice amp setup
14:25 Proper fretting hand angle
15:55 Palm muting
16:27 Note name of power chords
16:55 How to position guitar while sitting
17:24 Tip to learn how to stand and play comfortably.
17:48 Proper angle of fretting wrist
18:15 Finger movement technique
20:03 Exercise 3 – Am Pentatonic scale, first position.
20:52 Exercise 4 – Power chord jam
21:36 Jam with backing track
22:20 Electric or acoustic guitar?
22:54 Tips for buying a guitar
24:24 Guitar parts
27:00 Animated tab at any tempo
27:30 Lesson end
28:11 Download tab

by Metal Method Instructor Doug Marks

Free Series of Beginning Guitar Lessons

Click here to receive a series of beginning rock guitar lessons. No charge, no credit card. You’ll see how easy our step-by-step program is to master. Each lesson is fun and just challenging enough to keep you motivated.